Why You Should Use Twisted Handle Paper Bags

Why You Should Use Twisted Handle Paper Bags

Nowadays, making eco-friendly choices is a must. Not only is it good for your brand, but it helps to preserve the planet we live and work on. That’s a part of the reason why we offer so many paper bags made of recycled and recyclable materials. Our twisted handle paper bags are a great example of how we play our part in keeping our actions green so we can help others along the way. Choose your preferred colour wisely and distribute twisted handle paper bags to provide green bags in whichever colour and style you’ve chosen.

Green Thinking

Your customers want to make environmentally friendly choices. Every poll taken nowadays shows a shift towards being conscious of making green choices when shopping both online and on the high street, and since bags are physically in the hands of shoppers, their green credentials are not exempt from scrutiny. Fortunately, twisted handle paper bags are both recycled and reusable, so their eco-conscious material helps to reflect your brand as green thinking too.

16 Colours

A twisted handle is less clunky than flat handled paper bags as people of all shapes and ages can easily handle paper bags with a twist at the top. When you combine this handling ability with the 16 colours you have to choose from and the chance to apply your own brand, design or logo on top, these bags have a lot of appeal as your chosen type.


Whether you opt for coloured recyclable carrier bags or kraft/white recyclable twisted handle carrier bags, the aesthetic appeal adds to why these bags are a worthwhile investment.

Big Brown Carrier Bag

If you have any questions regarding twisted handle paper bags, contact us today on 01404 758664. Alternatively, you can email info@bigbrowncarrierbag.co.uk and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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